Caxton Club programs run from September through June with a second Friday daytime program at Noon CT and a third Wednesday evening program at 6:30 PM CT. Please see detailed descriptions for available programs.

Virtual programs will consist of quality Zoom presentations with real-time Q&A features immediately following. All programs — virtual or in-person — require advance registration on the club’s website. This allows Zoom instructions to be sent before programs, and for planning for in-person programs where space is limited. As usual, we will record all programs and make them available for viewing in the Past Programs section of our website’s Members Only section.

Only registrants who miss a program or wish to view it again will be given the opportunity to request a link to a recording of the program.

Council meetings and selected other business meetings are listed in the calendar to the extent such dates are available.


    • 04/24/2025
    • 5:15 PM
    • THURSDAY 04/24/2025 5:15 PM CT In-person at The Newberry, 60 W. Walton St. $75 includes entry to exhibit, reception, presentation, and dinner. Registration and prepayment required by 5:00 PM April 21, no exceptions.

    April Evening Program

    This event is being underwritten by the estate of Anthony J. Mourek.

    Winston Churchill appeared in more editorial cartoons than any other politician in history. He was a figure cartoonists loved to ridicule, boost, or lampoon — sometimes all at once! Funnily enough, Churchill was not always hurt by unfavorable cartoons, but rather enjoyed them and had some of them framed and hung around the walls of his home at Chartwell. To mark the 150th anniversary of his birth, this talk presents the ups and downs of Churchill’s career through the eyes of political cartoonists from around the world, including the United States. The vast majority of the images that will illustrate the talk have not been seen since they were first published.

    Dr. Tim Benson is Britain’s leading authority on political cartoons. He runs the Political Cartoon Gallery and Café which is located near the River Thames in Putney. He has produced numerous books on the history of cartoons.

    The presentation will be followed by a discussion about political cartooning with Will Hansen, the Roger and Julie Baskes Vice President for Collections and Library Services, and Curator of Americana at the Newberry Library, and Scott Stantis, a syndicated editorial cartoonist for the Chicago Tribune.

    This event will include access to an exhibit of original political cartoon art gifted by Anthony Mourek and held by The Newberry.

    Doors open 5:15 PM CT for exhibit. Reception with full bar and passed hors d’oeuvres 5:30. Presentation and discussion 6:30. Evening concludes with a served buffet dinner including salad, choice of entree (with vegetarian selections), vegetable, dessert, and coffee. Wine, beer, and non-alcoholic beverages served tableside. Full bar available with dinner.

    Books Registering for the program will allow you the opportunity to purchase copies of Churchill: A Life in Cartoons for $12 with pickup at The Newberry on the night of the program. Books will not be offered for sale night of program.

    Registration and prepayment required by 5:00 PM April 21, no exceptions.

    Parking Discounted parking available at 100 W. Chestnut. Present ticket to Newberry staff.

    Club members: remember to bring your Caxton badge.

    Register today.

    • 05/09/2025
    • 12:00 PM
    • Fri 05/09/2025 12:00PM CT Zoom program and live at ULCC. Preregistration required via website.

    May Midday Program

    Ian Gadd, Professor in English Literature, Bath Spa University – UK

    • 05/22/2025
    • 6:30 PM
    • via Zoom

    This calendar event serves as a placeholder for our upcoming 2025 Annual Caxton Club Meeting to be held on Thursday, 22 May 2025 at 6:30 PM CST.

    Registration for this event will be via the Caxton Club website. Please check the website in the weeks ahead of this event to register. The event will be held via Zoom.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact secretary@caxtonclub.org.

    • 06/13/2025
    • 12:00 PM
    • Fri 06/13/2025 12:00PM CT Zoom presentation is free and open to all. Preregistration required via website.

    June Midday Program

    Joseph Hone, Reader in Literature and Book History, University of Newcastle – UK

Past events

03/19/2025 Vicki Mahaffey on James Joyce
03/14/2025 Oren Margolis on Aldus Manutius
03/12/2025 Zoom – Paul F. Gehl on Bob Middleton, The Designer-Craftsman Par Excellence
02/19/2025 Paul F. Gehl on Bob Middleton, the Designer-Craftsman par excellence
02/14/2025 Zoom – Jonathan Senchyne on The Salisbury Club
01/22/2025 Zoom – Greg MacAyeal on The John Cage Collection: Its History and Its Treasures
01/10/2025 Zoom – Morgan Swan on Penny Dreadfuls
12/18/2024 Caxton Club Winter Fête
12/13/2024 Allie Alvis on Weird (and Wonderful) Treasures of the Winterthur Library
12/05/2024 Zoom – Cait Coker on “We Are Each Other’s Harvest:” Gwendolyn Brooks and the Formation of the Black Literary Canon
11/20/2024 Cait Coker on “We Are Each Other’s Harvest:” Gwendolyn Brooks and the Formation of the Black Literary Canon
11/08/2024 Zoom – Deborah Parker on Becoming Belle da Costa Greene
10/16/2024 Eric Slauter on The Pocket Constitution: A Portable History
10/11/2024 Charles Johanningsmeier on The Tauchnitz Edition of Leipzig: An Introduction
10/03/2024 Discover Chicago Skyscrapers with Thomas Leslie, Jen Masengarb, and Reed Kroloff
10/01/2024 Zoom – Ann Lindsey on Dealing with Poisonous Pigments: Arsenic in Nineteenth-Century Books and Paper
09/25/2024 Discover Onward to Chicago: Freedom Seekers and the Underground Railroad in Northeastern Illinois with Larry A. McClellan
09/18/2024 Ann Lindsey on Dealing with Poisonous Pigments: Arsenic in Nineteenth Century Books and Paper
09/13/2024 Nora Davies on Crymes and Rhymes: The Broadside Ballad and the Celebrity Criminal
06/20/2024 Executive Committee Meeting
06/18/2024 Our inaugural showcase featuring members and their books, a live, all-virtual event: Caxtonians Talk Books
06/15/2024 MWBA Chicago Book & Paper Fair
06/14/2024 Julie Park on Containing the Self in Eighteenth-Century Pocket Diaries: Graphic Forms and Formats of Personal Information Storage
05/22/2024 Caxton Club Members Only All Virtual Annual Meeting
05/16/2024 Council Meeting
05/16/2024 Symposium – BHL Day 2024 – Year of the Cicada: Buzzing with 17 Years of Biodiversity Achievements
05/15/2024 Panel discussion–The Biodiversity Heritage Library, Seventeen Years of Growth from Its Chicago Roots
05/10/2024 Aaron Pratt on Shakespeare and Spenser, Secondhand
05/01/2024 The Chicago Art Deco Society and the Caxton Club invite you to a presentation: Emulation or Inspiration? Japanese Design Books and Art Deco Teri J. Edelstein & Lisa Pevtzow
04/18/2024 Executive Committee Meeting
04/17/2024 Jill Gage on Bits and Bobs: An Extraordinary Collection of Artists’ Books at the Newberry
04/02/2024 Torsten Reimer, University Librarian and Dean of the University Library at the University of Chicago, is delighted to welcome members of the Caxton Club to a lecture by Kristian Jensen.
03/21/2024 Council Meeting
03/20/2024 Hannah Batsel and Leslie Winter on Caxton Women Collect
03/08/2024 Zoom: Megan Friedel on Photography Collections That Bring History to Life — Lorenzo Lorain and Images of the Oregon Coast, 1857–1861
02/21/2024 Members Exploration of a Variety of Caxton Publications and Ephemera from Private Collections
02/15/2024 Executive Committee Meeting
02/09/2024 Zoom: Andrew Pettegree on The Book at War – Libraries and Readers in an Age of Conflict
02/06/2024 The ULCC History & Archives Subcommittee invites Caxton Club members to a live program – Ryan Chester on Chicago Reflected: A Skyline Drawing from the Chicago River
01/24/2024 Zoom–Selby Kiffer on “Bibliotheca Brookeriana”: Selling Sixteenth-Century Books in the Twenty-First Century
01/18/2024 Council Meeting
01/12/2024 Zoom: Kate Ozment on The Hroswitha Club and the Impact of Women Collectors
12/15/2023 Russell Johnson on Five Centuries of Collecting Vesaliana
12/14/2023 Executive Committee Meeting
12/13/2023 Caxton Club Holiday Revelries
11/15/2023 Selby Kiffer on “Bibliotheca Brookeriana”: Selling Sixteenth-Century Books in the Twenty-First Century
11/12/2023 The Palette and Chisel Academy of Fine Arts invites Caxton Club members to a live program – Paul Shaw on Never Idle: The Tragically Short but Jam-Packed Life of Frank Holme
11/10/2023 Esmeralda Kale on the Herskovits Library of African Studies
11/06/2023 Zoom: Deborah Caldwell-Stone on Defending the Freedom to Read
10/16/2023 Deborah Caldwell-Stone on Defending the Freedom to Read
10/13/2023 Elizabeth Bradley on Washington Irving
09/20/2023 ZOOM: Author David Hanna on Broken Icarus: The 1933 Chicago World's Fair, the Golden Age of Aviation, and the Rise of Fascism
09/13/2023 Author David Hanna on Broken Icarus: The 1933 Chicago World’s Fair, the Golden Age of Aviation, and the Rise of Fascism
09/08/2023 Carol Symes on The Play’s the (Medieval) Thing: What Manuscripts Reveal
09/05/2023 Shakespeare’s First Folio at 400
06/29/2023 Zoom: Lilla Vekerdy on Rare Book Collections – Private or Public? Crossroads of Interests and Mission
06/21/2023 Lilla Vekerdy on Rare Book Collections – Private or Public? Crossroads of Interests and Mission
06/20/2023 On the Move | Heritage Auctions: Historical Platinum Auction Preview
06/09/2023 Tara O’Brien on Book Arts in American History: Printing, Binding, and Illustration
05/17/2023 Caxton Club Members Only All Virtual Annual Meeting
05/12/2023 Dennis Duncan on Index, A History of the
05/11/2023 On the Move | The Newberry: Pop-Up Books through the Ages
04/25/2023 Zoom: Bruce Kennett on W.A. Dwiggins, Teller of Tales
04/19/2023 Bruce Kennett on W.A. Dwiggins, Teller of Tales
04/14/2023 Revised Program - Janice Katz on Japan Comes to Chicago: The 1893 World’s Columbian Exposition
03/27/2023 Zoom: Laura Wasowicz of the American Antiquarian Society on The Transatlantic Transformation of Poor Molly Goosey into La Gansa Amorosa
03/21/2023 Zoom: Three Brief But Spectacular Glimpses Into a Life in Books
03/15/2023 Laura Wasowicz of the American Antiquarian Society on The Transatlantic Transformation of Poor Molly Goosey into La Gansa Amorosa
03/10/2023 Sara Schliep on Behind the Scenes – The Past and Future of the Folger Shakespeare Library
03/01/2023 Three Brief but Spectacular Glimpses into a Life in Books
02/23/2023 Potter & Potter Auction preview reception for The Ricky Jay Collection
02/15/2023 Zachary Price and Kenneth W. Warren on Leon Forrest’s Divine Days February Evening Program
02/10/2023 Ride ’m Cowboy: Randal Brandt on Western Fiction at UC-Berkeley’s Bancroft Library
02/07/2023 Zoom: Teri Edelstein on Feeding the Art Deco Spirit
01/25/2023 John Blew on Chicago Artist Miklos Gaspar’s 1935 Mural Cycle in the Boys Club Room of the Union League Club of Chicago
01/19/2023 A Discussion with Gerber-Hart Librarian and Archivist Erin Bell
01/17/2023 On the Move | Beem Patent Law Firm. Presidents and Patents: The Beem Presidential Patent Collection
01/13/2023 Nick Wilding on Seeing Double: Oh Heavens!
12/14/2022 Cooking up a Caxton Holiday
12/09/2022 Benjamin Albritton on Giving Birth to Special Collections at Stanford University Libraries
12/06/2022 In person: Teri Edelstein on Feeding the Art Deco Spirit
11/11/2022 Dr. Lorraine Madway on Education & Community in the Face of Segregation: Stories of Innovation, Determination, and Accomplishment from the American South
11/07/2022 On the Move | Hindman: Previewing Fine Printed Books and Manuscripts, Including Americana
11/01/2022 Zoom: Douglas Pfeiffer on The Force of Character: Authorial Personality and the Making of Renaissance Texts
10/27/2022 On the Move | Capturing Louis Sullivan: What Richard Nickel Saw
10/26/2022 Laurence Cotton on Frederick Law Olmsted: Designing America
10/19/2022 In Person: Douglas Pfeiffer on The Force of Character: Authorial Personality and the Making of Renaissance Texts
09/27/2022 Zoom: Jill Gage on “The Best Penman of our Age”: The Lettering of George Salter
09/21/2022 In person: Jill Gage on “The Best Penman of our Age”: The Lettering of George Salter
09/09/2022 Alex Johnson & James Oses on Rooms of Their Own - Where Great Writers Write
06/15/2022 Robin Karson and Jonathan Lippincott on Publishing Fine Books on American Landscape History: The Impact of LALH
06/10/2022 Timothy Johnson on Sherlock Holmes & Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
05/25/2022 The Union League Club of Chicago Library Committee invites you to a live program: Richard Cohen on Making History
05/18/2022 Caxton Club Members Only: Annual Meeting and Reception
05/13/2022 Andrew Pettegree and Arthur der Weduwen on The Library: A Fragile History
05/09/2022 Paul Durica And Bill Savage on Chicago by Day & Night: The Pleasure Seeker’s Guide to the Paris Of America
05/03/2022 Laurence Cotton on Frederick Law Olmsted: Designing America
04/20/2022 Jennifer Gunter King and Nick Twemlow on Literary Collections through Relationships: The Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library at Emory University
04/07/2022 Paul Durica and Bill Savage on Chicago by Day & Night: The Pleasure Seeker’s Guide to the Paris of America
03/16/2022 Irvin J. Hunt on Dreaming the Present: Time, Aesthetics, and the Black Cooperative Movement
03/11/2022 Dr. Mary Redfern on Japanese Scrolls and the Art of Storytelling
03/09/2022 Michelle Duster on Ida B. the Queen
02/16/2022 Neil Harris on Paris 1925: French Illustrated Books Go to the Deco Fair
02/11/2022 Stephen Tabor on Extra-Illustration: A Possibly Unfamiliar, Thoroughly Intriguing, and Potentially Appalling History
01/19/2022 The Durchslag Haggadah Collection: A Magnificent Scholarly Collection Reflecting Personal Connections and a Collector’s Passion
01/14/2022 Scott Borchert on Republic of Detours: How the New Deal Paid Broke Writers to Rediscover America
12/19/2021 Andrew Feiler on a Better Life for their Children
12/15/2021 Baasil Wilder on the National Postal Museum Library and the Anacostia Community Museum Library
12/10/2021 Alessandro Bianchi on Japan and the History of the Book
11/17/2021 Liesl Olson on Chicago Avant-Garde: Five Women Ahead of Their Time
11/12/2021 Andrew Jewell on Willa Cather's Life and Letters
11/09/2021 Dan Gifford on The Last Voyage of the Whaling Bark Progress
10/20/2021 Sidney Berger on Shooting Sticks and Caviar, Hell Boxes and Devil's Tails, and Mastering the Vocabulary of the Book
10/19/2021 The Union League Club of Chicago Library Committee invites Caxton Club members to a live program: Dr. Simon Balto in Conversation with Dr. Adam Green on Occupied Territory
10/10/2021 Robb Packer on Chicago’s Historic Synagogues
10/08/2021 Cait Coker On Women Printers In Europe & North America
10/05/2021 At Home with the Smithsonian Libraries and Archives – Magnificent Obsessions: Why We Collect
09/28/2021 Tempestt Hazel on Sixty Inches From Center
09/21/2021 The Union League Club of Chicago Library Committee invites Caxton Club members to a LIVE program: John Blew on “The ULCC Boys Club Room Murals”: Back to the Future
09/14/2021 Members-only Live Event: Paul Gehl on Chicago Modernism and the Ludlow Typograph
09/14/2021 Zoom Event: Paul Gehl on Chicago Modernism and the Ludlow Typograph
09/10/2021 Robert McCracken Peck on the new edition of The Natural History of Edward Lear
09/09/2021 The Union League Club of Chicago Library Committee invites Caxton Club members to a LIVE program: Dr. William Sites in Conversation with Dr. Timothy Gilfoyle on Sun Ra’s Chicago
08/26/2021 Potter & Potter's Auction Preview Reception: Chicago By the Book Reimagined
08/20/2021 Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum presents Jackie Vossler
08/17/2021 The Union League Club of Chicago Library Committee presents Conversations on Chicago Neighborhoods: North Lawndale Past, Present & Future
07/15/2021 Post Event Book Sales - Joseph D. Kearney and Thomas W. Merrill on Lakefront: Public Trust and Private Rights in Chicago
07/15/2021 Joseph D. Kearney and Thomas W. Merrill on Lakefront: Public Trust and Private Rights in Chicago
06/26/2021 International Kelmscott Day
06/16/2021 Chicago by the Book – Reimagined
06/11/2021 Eric Johnson on Pieces of the Puzzle — Manuscript Fragments & Reconstruction
06/03/2021 John Hoover on A Nation, A City, & Its First Library: Americana as a Way of Life at the St. Louis Mercantile Library for 175 Years
05/26/2021 Teri J. Edelstein on “Art Deco from Paris to Chicago: The 1925 Exposition and the Windy City” presented by the Caxton Club, Chicago Collections Consortium, and the Union League Club of Chicago Library
05/19/2021 Anthony Grafton on Inky Fingers: The Making of Books in Early Modern Europe
05/19/2021 The Bibliographical Society of America presents Early Modern Typography/Race/Gender Roundtable
05/14/2021 Sara Quashnie on Americana Is A Creed - Notable Twentieth Century Collectors, Dealers, And Curators
04/30/2021 Language of Flowers Virtual symposium presented by the Chicago Botanic Garden and the Caxton Club
04/21/2021 Jacqueline Goldsby on “Do Not be Afraid of No:” Gwendolyn Brooks’ Years at Harpers
04/16/2021 The Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine presents Nicholas Fry on "Walking the Tightrope—John Garrett and the B&O In the Spring and Summer of 1861"
04/07/2021 The Union League Club of Chicago presents the Outstanding Book on the History of Chicago 2021 Award Virtual Award Ceremony
03/24/2021 Kinohi Nishikawa on "Toward a Black Book Aesthetic"
03/17/2021 Silvia Beltrametti - An Irish Program on an Irish Night – Pirated Caricatures in Nineteenth Century Dublin
03/12/2021 Carl Smith on Chicago’s Great Fire
03/02/2021 The Newberry presents An Unscripted Look at a Script Type: Matthew Carter and Jill Gage on the Design of Snell Roundhand
02/25/2021 Brian McCammack and Courtney Joseph on Landscapes of Hope
02/17/2021 Shauna Collier, Head Librarian of the National Museum of African American History and Culture Library
02/09/2021 Marcia Walker-McWilliams, on "The Black Metropolis Research Consortium: Fifteen Years of Documenting and Sharing Black Chicago's History”
02/03/2021 Michelangelo Sabatino and Susan S. Benjamin on Modern in the Middle: Chicago Houses 1929–75
01/19/2021 Rebecca Romney and Heather O’Donnell on “Building The Future of Rare Books: Two Booksellers’ Experiences in Outreach”
01/08/2021 Miles Harvey — Interviewed on The King of Confidence
12/16/2020 Making Our Mark: Celebrating 125 Years
12/11/2020 Ann Durkin Keating on Juliette Kinzie
11/19/2020 Neil Harris on “Chicago Apartments: A Century and Beyond of Lakefront Luxury”
11/18/2020 Panel Discussion: “Artists’ Books, The Institutional Perspective”
11/13/2020 Dwight Cleveland on Movie Posters
11/10/2020 Neil Harris on “Chicago Apartments: A Century and Beyond of Lakefront Luxury”
10/21/2020 Simon Loxley on “In Search of Emery Walker”
10/09/2020 Bonnie Mak Opens a Cabinet of Curiosities
09/16/2020 Nick Basbanes on “Henry and Fanny Longfellow: Palm Branches and Passion Flowers”
09/11/2020 Jennifer Hain Teper on “Conservation: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly”
06/12/2020 Mary Wisniewski on Nelson Algren
06/04/2020 ABAA Virtual Book Fair
06/01/2020 Honey & Wax Book Collecting Prize Applications due June 1
05/20/2020 Annual Meeting/State of the Club
03/18/2020 CANCELLED - Jennifer Gunter King and Nick Twemlow on Emory’s Raymond Danowski Poetry Library
03/13/2020 CANCELLED - Marcy Dinius on Radical Types In American Antislavery Print
02/19/2020 Lia Markey on “The Nova Reperta and Renaissance Representations of Invention and Globalization”
02/14/2020 On The Move | Open House | SAIC Letter Press Studio
02/14/2020 Cara Bertram on The American Library Association Goes To War
02/14/2020 On The Move | Round Table Discussion | Letterpress Printing in Chicago: Its Current State, History, and Legacy
02/13/2020 Art Happens: Amazing Women
01/15/2020 Audrey Niffenegger on Make No Small Plans – The Quest for an Artist Book House
01/10/2020 James Hagy on Fair Tricks: Magicians at the Columbian Exposition
01/08/2020 Miles Harvey — Interviewed on The King of Confidence
12/18/2019 Revels: Our Annual Holiday Event of Magic, Fellowship, Music, and Book Auction
12/13/2019 Nina Barrett on Leopold & Loeb
12/11/2019 Books that Built Chicago
12/08/2019 Chicago by the Book: Ethical Humanist Society Panel Discussion
12/03/2019 Firelines: Midwestern Praire Restoration | Jill Metcoff and Mike Mossman
11/15/2019 Frederic Goudy & H.G. Wells: The Time Traveler's Typeface | A Conversation with Artist Rex Parker
11/08/2019 Libby Hill on The Chicago River
10/21/2019 Chicago by the Book: 101 Publications That Shaped the City and Its Image
10/16/2019 Lilla Vekerdy and Morgan Aronson their ABECEDARIUM from Rare Smithsonian Volumes
10/11/2019 Daniel Immerwahr on How To Hide An Empire
10/07/2019 Cocktails & Conversations with Nina Barrett on "The Leopold and Loeb Files"
10/02/2019 Let's Do It: Twenty-three Years of Book and Paper
09/18/2019 Dr. Tim Benson on Political Cartoons from a British Perspective
09/17/2019 Political Cartoons: Then and Now with Panelists Tim Benson, Anthony Mourek, and Scott Stantis
09/13/2019 Peggy Glowacki on Mary Hastings Bradley
09/11/2019 Corr-Proust: A New Digital Edition of Marcel Proust's Correspondence
06/25/2019 Course | The Chicago School of Urban Sociology Past and Present | Clinton E. Stockwell M.A; M.L.A.; Ph.D.
06/19/2019 Dinner Program | Bruce Kennett on “W. A. Dwiggins: A Life in Design”
06/15/2019 Chicago Book and Paper Fair
06/15/2019 Volunteer Opportunity | Channel Your Inner Bookseller, Meet Fellow Bibliophiles | Chicago Book and Paper Fair
06/08/2019 Chicago by the Book: Writing that Defines a City with contributors Nina Barrett, Neil Harris and Tim Lacy | Printers Row Lit Fest
06/07/2019 Luncheon Program | The Opening Kickoff | Dave Revsine
06/06/2019 Caxton on the Move | Tour and Dinner | Everyone's Art Gallery: Posters of the London Underground
05/21/2019 "The Chicago Tradition" -- ULCC History and "Chicago by the Book" | Kim Coventry, Carl Smith, and Will Hansen
05/21/2019 The Caxton Club is Invited by U of C Library Society and Court Theatre | The Adaptations of Augie March and The Adventures of Augie March
05/15/2019 Dinner Program and Annual Business Meeting | Lynne M. Thomas on “Making Mr. Darcy: Cultural Context for the Regency Gentleman”
05/10/2019 Luncheon Program | Preserving The Legacy or Digitizing Dime Novels | Matthew Short
05/04/2019 Panel Discussion | Four Views on Chicago by the Book | David Buisseret, Teri Edelstein, Bob Karrow, and Susan F. Rossen
05/04/2019 Volunteer Opportunity | Channel Your Inner Bookseller, Meet Fellow Bibliophiles | Chicago Antiquarian Book Fair
05/01/2019 First Printing of Chicago by the Book Available at May Meetings
04/25/2019 Caxton on the Move | Panel Discussion | Chicago by the Book: The Federal Writers Project’s Illinois Unit
04/24/2019 "Rosenwald" a film by Aviva Kempner | Presented by ULCC Archives Subcommittee
04/17/2019 Dinner Program | Eric White on “The Gutenberg Bible”
04/11/2019 Architecture Lecture Series | Chicago by the Book: 101 Publications That Shaped the City and Its Image
04/10/2019 Cocktails & Conversations with Alex Kotlowitz & Ben Austen
04/02/2019 Course | The Chicago Tradition of Literary Naturalism | Clinton E. Stockwell M.A; M.L.A.; Ph.D.
03/20/2019 Dinner Program | Anton Roman, The Pioneering Bookseller and Publisher of the American West | John Crichton
03/08/2019 Luncheon Program | Lost Restaurants of Chicago | Greg Borzo
03/07/2019 Luncheon | Celebrating Women of Illinois: Past, Present and Future | Rebecca Sive
02/10/2019 Panel Discussion | Celia Hilliard, Dan Meyer & Timothy Mennel - Chicago by the Book
02/08/2019 Luncheon Program | February 8
02/07/2019 Panel Discussion | Susan Rossen, Nina Barrett, Dominic Pacyga, and Garry Wills on Chicago by the Book | Bookends & Beginnings
02/07/2019 On The Move | Curated Tour and Private Dinner | Chicago by the Book: Pivotal Works That Changed Chicago
01/30/2019 RESCHEDULED: On the Move | American Writers Museum
01/16/2019 January 2019 Dinner Program
01/14/2019 Exhibition Ending March 22 | Chicago by the Book: Pivotal Works that Changed Chicago
01/11/2019 January 2019 Luncheon Program
12/12/2018 December Dinner: Revels 2018
12/07/2018 December 2018 Luncheon Program
11/28/2018 November 2018 Dinner Program - One Week Later
11/09/2018 Stranger Than Fiction presents Kim Coventry & Susan F. Rossen on AuthorsVoice.net
11/09/2018 November 2018 Luncheon Program
11/06/2018 Eye of the Beholder: Visitor Experience at 19th-Century World Fairs A Lecture by Ruth Slatter
10/12/2018 October 2018 Luncheon Program
10/11/2018 Clare Asquith: Shakespeare and the Resistance
09/25/2018 On the Move: September 25, 2018
09/21/2018 Sept 2018 Luncheon Program
09/13/2018 Bruce Rogers, Modern Design, and Chicago’s Caxton Club
09/12/2018 Sept 2018 Dinner Program
06/20/2018 June 2018 Dinner Meeting
06/08/2018 June 2018 Luncheon Meeting
05/16/2018 May 2018 Dinner Meeting
05/11/2018 May 2018 Luncheon Meeting
04/18/2018 April 2018 Dinner Meeting
03/21/2018 March 2018 Dinner Meeting
03/09/2018 March 2018 Luncheon Meeting
02/21/2018 February 2018 Dinner Meeting
02/09/2018 February 2018 Luncheon Meeting
01/17/2018 January 2018 Dinner Meeting
01/12/2018 January 2018 Luncheon Meeting
01/13/2017 January 2017 Luncheon Meeting
12/09/2016 December 2016 Luncheon Meeting

211 South Clark Street,
PO Box 2329,
Chicago IL 60604-9997

Tel: +1 (312) 970-1294