Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum presents Jackie Vossler

  • 08/20/2021
  • 12:00 PM
  • 8/20/2021 | NOON CT/1:00 PM ET via Zoom. Advance registration required via website.


Jackie Vossler will share information about book arts grants and upcoming projects. The Caxton Club brings together archivists, authors, binders, book artists, collectors, conservators, booksellers, designers, editors, librarians, publishers, scholars, and others. Throughout its 125 years, the Caxton Club has published fine books on a variety of subjects, including Americana, art history, the book arts, the history of printing and collecting, and literature.

Register at https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEldu6vrzksHtUYmBmRDCstVQhzwPoVLhOd

211 South Clark Street,
PO Box 2329,
Chicago IL 60604-9997

Tel: +1 (312) 970-1294