Paul F. Gehl on Bob Middleton, the Designer-Craftsman par excellence

  • 02/19/2025
  • 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM
  • Wed, 2/19/2025 In-person at The Newberry, 60 W. Walton St, Chicago. Doors open 5:30 PM CT, presentation 6:00, followed by optional paid reception. Event ends 8:00.


  • Registration and prepayment required by 5:00 PM 2/14, no exceptions.
  • Presentation is free but requires registration by 5:00 PM 2/14.


February Evening Program

Robert Hunter Middleton (1898-1985) was a Caxton Club stalwart for half a century. He is now remembered primarily as a pioneer in the revival of the great engraver on wood, Thomas Bewick. In his own day, however, Middleton was best known as the prolific designer of types for the Ludlow Typograph Company of Chicago. In 1985, the Caxton Club published a retrospective of Middleton’s career as RHM: The Man and His Letters, still the standard reference. In this talk, Paul Gehl will illustrate how Middleton embodied (and wrote about) the relationship of fine press printing and other craft practices to design for mass-market, industrial scale printing.

Paul is Curator Emeritus at the Newberry Library. At the Newberry, he processed the Middleton archive, and after retirement he authored a book on Middleton’s early career as type designer. Just this year he edited a volume with the title, The Designer-Craftsman Speaks: Writings of Robert Hunter Middleton.

Both of Paul’s books and the Caxton Club’s memorial volume will be available for purchase upon registering for the program. See details below.

Register today.

Doors open 5:30 PM CT. Presentation 6:00. Optional Reception: $32, including light appetizers and refreshments, to follow. Event ends at 8:00 and does not include dinner.

Registering for the program will allow you the opportunity to purchase copies of books for pickup on the night of the program. Books will not be offered for sale the night of the program.

211 South Clark Street,
PO Box 2329,
Chicago IL 60604-9997

Tel: +1 (312) 970-1294