Happy Anniversary to the Caxtonian

09/18/2020 10:02 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Yes, each year the Caxtonian has an anniversary. While the 27th anniversary this year is not a traditional milestone, it does represent a remarkable journey and gives us reason to call members’ attention to the club’s goal to make all past issues available online.

The Caxtonian has varied in appearance, length, and goals. It has traversed the path from club newsletter to a more scholarly journal tailored to the diverse interests of our club. It has been steered by three volunteer editors, Robert Cotner, Robert McCamant, and now, Michael Gorman. Without the dedication of these three editors, the journey would not have been possible.

Past issues from 1993, 2003, and 2013 reveal the long-term commitment of our membership. Click covers below to link to issues archived online. The photo from 1993 including Caxtonians John Cole, Paul Gehl, and Alice Schreyer is a wonderful time capsule. The articles by R. Eden Martin and Philip Liebson provide a great testament to our membership’s continued dedication to serious scholarship. We hope you enjoy thumbing through these past issues.

In coming weeks, we will continue our efforts to make all past issues of the Caxtonian available on our website. Please go to the “Members Only” section of the website to see the collection.

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