
The Caxton Club Marks Black History Month with Caxtonian Book Review, a Program, and an Initiative
Irvin J. Hunt Reviews African American Poetry: 250 Years of Struggle & Song, edited by Kevin Young. Click here to read the review.
A recent program sponsored by the Caxton Club and the Chicago Jewish Historical Society featured Andrew Feiler’s presentation on his book, A Better Life for Their Children: Julius Rosenwald, Booker T. Washington, and the 4,978 Schools that Changed America. Click here to watch the presentation.
Artist, designer, and letterpress printer, Ben Blount was part of a group of book binders and book artists asked to create a book or binding inspired by the 101 entries included in Chicago by the Book. “Inspired by the Sears, Roebuck and Co. Catalogue entry … ‘Wish Book’ examines our desires for the American Dream (a home, a full bank account, and a good education) in contrast to the inequality inherent in the American system.” – Ben Blount . Read a profile of Ben Blount written by Martha Chiplis in the August 2019 Caxtonian.