New Release - A Bibliography of The Printery: The Private Press of Kay Michael Kramer

  • 01/20/2024
  • 12/31/2024
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Reviewed in the January/February 2024 Caxtonian. Review also reposted on the FABS website (click link to view)

From the Foreword:

“This biography and bibliography of Kay Kramer’s work by Virginia Kramer, Timothy Hawley, and Theophile Homard is a welcome addition to a special chapter in the printing history of St. Louis. It reflects years of research about a supreme typographic designer and artist who was known in the private press world as a printer’s printer; a modest, quietly influential perfectionist who steadily produced jewel-like pieces of fine printing, but often, in such limited press runs as to be unobtainable today except for the most determined collector. To bring invitations, greeting cards, and other ephemeral items together with Kay’s masterpiece books is a true achievement of investigation and description.”

John Neal Hoover, Director

St. Louis Mercantile Library Association

University of Missouri-St. Louis

The book includes: a section of biographical information on book designer, private press printer, and Caxtonian Kay Kramer; another section on his approach to typographical design; and a bibliography of work produced by his private press, The Printery, over a span of nearly sixty years.

Text has been digitally set in Bulmer types with 270 copies printed on Royal Sundance Natural Felt 80# Text by the Murray Print Shop, Inc. Covers were perfect bound in Gmund Wheat 111# by Wrap-Ups, Inc. All copies contain a printed and folded overrun sheet from The Printery’s final casebound book The Artist & The Capitalist: William Morris and Richard Marsden, published in 2010.

Click the link below to order copies of A Bibliography of The Printery: The Private Press of Kay Michael Kramer for $47.00 including tax and domestic shipping. This offer extends to December 31, 2024 or until books sell out.

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