The Caxton Club brings together archivists, authors, binders, book artists, booksellers, collectors, conservators, designers, editors, librarians, printers, publishers, scholars, and others. Members from these diverse backgrounds form a community that shares a love of printed, handwritten, and digital books and related textual objects, such as pamphlets, broadsides, maps, and ephemera. The club provides a forum to learn about the arts, history, and technologies of these materials, as well as a space to share the joys of appreciating and collecting them.

Sarah M. Pritchard, President....... Lou Pitschmann, Vice-President...... Leslie J. Winter, Secretary....... Jeffrey Jahns, Treasurer.......
L–R: Cynthia Walls, Sarah Pritchard, and Nora Brooks Blakely
Caxton Club Grants Recipients Artist’s books
The Caxton Club proudly salutes the winners of the 2024 Honey & Wax Book Collecting Prize.
CHICAGO 101 AUTHORS: Each of the 101 titles is the focus of an essay by a leading scholar, writer, or bibliophile.

Caxton Members: Submit your item to our online exhibit, Caxtonians’ Collections.
Exhibit is open to all.


Caxton Club programs run from September through June with a second Friday daytime program at Noon CT and a third Wednesday evening program at 6:30 PM CT. Please see detailed descriptions for available programs.

Virtual programs will consist of quality Zoom presentations with real-time Q&A features immediately following. All programs — virtual or in-person — require advance registration on the club’s website. This allows Zoom instructions to be sent before programs, and for planning for in-person programs where space is limited. As usual, we will record all programs and make them available for viewing in the Past Programs section of our website’s Members Only section.

Only registrants who miss a program or wish to view it again will be given the opportunity to request a link to a recording of the program.

    • 04/24/2025
    • 5:15 PM
    • THURSDAY 04/24/2025 5:15 PM CT In-person at The Newberry, 60 W. Walton St. $75 includes entry to exhibit, reception, presentation, and dinner. Registration and prepayment required by 5:00 PM April 21, no exceptions.

    April Evening Program

    This event is being underwritten by the estate of Anthony J. Mourek.

    Winston Churchill appeared in more editorial cartoons than any other politician in history. He was a figure cartoonists loved to ridicule, boost, or lampoon — sometimes all at once! Funnily enough, Churchill was not always hurt by unfavorable cartoons, but rather enjoyed them and had some of them framed and hung around the walls of his home at Chartwell. To mark the 150th anniversary of his birth, this talk presents the ups and downs of Churchill’s career through the eyes of political cartoonists from around the world, including the United States. The vast majority of the images that will illustrate the talk have not been seen since they were first published.

    Dr. Tim Benson is Britain’s leading authority on political cartoons. He runs the Political Cartoon Gallery and Café which is located near the River Thames in Putney. He has produced numerous books on the history of cartoons.

    The presentation will be followed by a discussion about political cartooning with Will Hansen, the Roger and Julie Baskes Vice President for Collections and Library Services, and Curator of Americana at the Newberry Library, and Scott Stantis, a syndicated editorial cartoonist for the Chicago Tribune.

    This event will include access to an exhibit of original political cartoon art gifted by Anthony Mourek and held by The Newberry.

    Doors open 5:15 PM CT for exhibit. Reception with full bar and passed hors d’oeuvres 5:30. Presentation and discussion 6:30. Evening concludes with a served buffet dinner including salad, choice of entree (with vegetarian selections), vegetable, dessert, and coffee. Wine, beer, and non-alcoholic beverages served tableside. Full bar available with dinner.

    Books Registering for the program will allow you the opportunity to purchase copies of Churchill: A Life in Cartoons for $12 with pickup at The Newberry on the night of the program. Books will not be offered for sale night of program.

    Registration and prepayment required by 5:00 PM April 21, no exceptions.

    Parking Discounted parking available at 100 W. Chestnut. Present ticket to Newberry staff.

    Club members: remember to bring your Caxton badge.

    Register today.

    • 05/22/2025
    • 6:30 PM
    • via Zoom

    This calendar event serves as a placeholder for our upcoming 2025 Annual Caxton Club Meeting to be held on Thursday, 22 May 2025 at 6:30 PM CST.

    Registration for this event will be via the Caxton Club website. Please check the website in the weeks ahead of this event to register. The event will be held via Zoom.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact



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Caxton Club Member Opportunities

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211 South Clark Street,
PO Box 2329,
Chicago IL 60604-9997

Tel: +1 (312) 970-1294